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CS707 Network Security Solved MCQs

Q1 _______________ is a symmetric block cipher, uses a 64 bit key, puts the data through 16 rounds of transposition and substitution, and has 5 different modes of operation.
·         AES
·         DES
·         Blowfish
·         None of above
Q2 Examples of asymmetric key algorithms are:
·         Diffie Hellman, RSA and El-Gamal
·         RC4, RC5, and RC6
·         DES, 3DES, and AES
·         MD4, MD5, and MD6
Q3 The standard used in digital certificates that defines its structure, fields, and values is
·         Kerberos
·         End-to-end encryption
·         X.509
·         The standard used in IPsec VPNs
Q4 A cryptosystem consists of:
·         Software, algorithms, protocols, and keys
·         PGP
·         An algorithm used for encryption and decryption
·         Is software used for testing security of applications
Q5 Cryptanalysis is:
·         The practice of analyzing secret codes but not breaking them
·         The technique used by forensic investigators to trace the source of malware infection
·         The science related to research and development of cryptography
·         The practice of breaking cryptic systems
·         Q6 An electro-mechanical cipher machine used by the Germans in World War II is _________________
·         MAC
·         Enigma
·         Skytale
·         All above
Q7 A digital signature is best described as:
·         An electronic verification system used for transactional integrity in banking
·         A hash value encrypted by the sender’s private key
·         An electronic verification system used for encryption and hashing
·         A hash value encrypted with the DES, 3DES, or AES algorithms
Q8 A practice of Choosing a key that is extremely random and the algorithm should use the full range of the key-space is called ______________________.
·         Cipher management
·         Key combination
·         Key management
·         None of above
Q9 _____________________ uses two instances of the same key while encrypting and decrypting messages.
·         Skytale
·         Symmetric Cryptography
·         Asymmetric Cryptography
·         SSL
Q10 _______________ is a program and protocol used to log in securely to another device or system on a network.
·         Secure Shell (SSH)
·         SSL
·         HTTP
·         PGP

Q:11 In Network Security CIA stands for:

·         Confidentiality, integrity, and. availability
·         Central Investigation Agency
·         Confidentiality, Intelligence, and Accountability
·         Ciphers, Initiation Vectors, Algorithms
Q:12 Examples of asymmetric key algorithms are:

·         Diffie Hellman, RSA and El-Gamal
·         RC4, RC5, and RC6
·         DES, 3DES, and AES
·         MD4, MD5, and MD6
Q:13 A mathematical function that is easier to compute in one direction than in the other direction, and forms the basis for all asymmetric algorithms

·         One-Way Function
·         Two Way Function
·         A mathematical function used in cryptanalysis
·         A technique used by forensic experts to lock all hard disk sectors of a computer

Q:14 A hash value encrypted by the sender’s private key is ______________

·         AES
·         Digital signature
·         DES
·         3DES algorithms

Q:15 Cryptanalysis is:
The practice of analyzing secret codes but not breaking them

·         The technique used by forensic investigators to trace the source of malware infection
·         The science related to research and development of cryptography
·         The practice of breaking cryptic systems

Q:16 Key management is a practice that requires:

·         Choosing a key that is extremely random and the algorithm should use the full range of the key-space
·         Labeling keys so that they are not lost or stolen
·         Returning the key to the CA after it has completed its lifetime
·         At least two senior officers of the company to issue and maintain a record of the keys
Q:17 In end-to-end encryption:

·         only the header is encrypted, not the payload
·         Packets do not need to be decrypted and then encrypted at each hop
·         Only decryption takes place at each hop
·         The data link and physical layers are involved

Q:18 Rootkits are a type of ____________________.
·         Virus
·         Worm.
·         Trojan Horse
·         None of above
Q:19 Diffie Hellman is an example of _____________ key algorithms.

·         Symmetric
·         Asymmetric
·         Skytale
·         Enigma

Q:20 The standard used in digital certificates that defines its structure, fields, and values is ____________________.
·         X.509
·         Kerberose
·         Cryptography

·         PKI

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