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Online Quiz for beginners - Basic Computer Quiz - Part 1

In this Post Online Quiz for beginners - Basic Computer Quiz -  Part 1 included. The main aim of Online quiz making is to support computer beginners who have face problems preparing their quiz exams regarding the fundamentals of computers MCQs. 

Online Quiz

1. The Word computer is derived from the word "COMPUTE", which means "TO CALCULATE".?

... Answer is B)
1. The Word Computer is derived from the Latin Word.

2. The processed form of data is called?

... Answer is A)
The Processed form of data is information. it is an organized but more meaningful form of data.

3. The physical or tangible parts of the computer called?

... Answer is B)
Physical parts of the Computer is Hardware like Monitor, Keyboard, CPU, Mouse, RAM etc.

4. Set of command is used to tell the computer What to do and how to do?

... Answer is D)
Software is a set of instructions. Basically two types of software i) System Software ii) Application Software.

5. IPC stand for?

... Answer is B)
IPC consists of a series of tasks required to convert data into information

6. LCD Stands for?

... Answer is C)
Liquid Crystal Display other are Flat Panel Displays, LEDs

7. Anything that we feed to the computer is called?

... Answer is A)
Computer accept instructions in the form of input.

8. The devices that are used to enter data into the computers are called?

... Answer is B)
Input Devices is any hardware component that allows you to enter data into a computer like keyboard, Track Ball, Mouse,Scanner, WebCam etc.

9. CPU has three parts?

... Answer is D)
CU (Control Unit), ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit), MU (Memory Unit).

10. Machine cycle is a series of steps, each of which named as?

... Answer is A)
Processor process all data using a cycle called machine cycle.

11. ROM is also known as?

... Answer is B)
ROM (Read Only Memory) is nonvolatile means data in it will not disturb due to any light failure.

12. 18. RAM stand for?

... Answer is B)
RAM is also known as volatile memory means it depends on light. if any light failure occurs the data in RAM will be erased/washed out.

13. HDD stands for?

... Answer is B)
HDD commonly referred to as a Hard Drive, hard Disk or Fixed Disk Drive.

14. Microphone is used to record in the computer?

... Answer is C)
Microphone is Input Device.

15. DVD Stands for?

... Answer is B)
DVD also known as Digital Versatile Disk, is a technology based on optical data storage similar to CD (compact disc).

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